Study Infos

Student-faculty ratio and academic supervision

The FH Kufstein has flat hierarchies and adheres to an open-door policy. In our comparatively small institution, there are more than 500 full-time faculty members as well as part-time lecturers available to support about 2200 students in their academic endeavors. The excellent personal and academic supervision is given by the fact that the degree program classes are organized as small, annual groups that move through the curriculum together.

This academic support is especially important when it comes time for students to select their professional internships in international companies in Austria or abroad. Another supervision-intensive activity is the work on the bachelor or diploma theses. Also nowadays, in light of the new teaching methods that are being implemented, faculty members face new challenges in supporting students, such as how to most effectively combine e-learning activities with on-site phases.

News of the FH Kufstein

Study Trip Sarajevo 2024

28 students from the Sports, Culture & Events Management (SCEM) master’s full-time program of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein organized a successful study trip to Sarajevo from the 15th to 19th of April 2024.

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Studium mit Lehrabschluss – geht das?

Die Antwort ist: JA! Ein Studium an einer Fachhochschule in Österreich ist grundsätzlich auch mit einem facheinschlägigen Lehrabschluss möglich. Maximal drei Zusatzprüfungen in Deutsch, Englisch und Mathematik müssen im ersten Studienjahr absolviert werden, um die Hochschulreife zu ersetzen.

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Anergie-Netz: FH Kufstein Tirol und Stadtwerke Wörgl entwickeln gemeinsam innovatives Energiekonzept

In einem Praxisprojekt konnten 13 Studierende des Studiengangs Energie- & Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement an der FH Kufstein Tirol ihre im Studium erlernten Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen.

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